Bins & Rubbish

Please can you dispose of your rubbish yourself in the correct bin provided. There are 3 separate recycling bins & one non-recycling bin, plus a compost bin.
We do appreciate your help in recycling as much as possible as our grey wheelie bin for non-recyclable waste is only emptied every 3 weeks.
Red recycling bin- for plastics & cans, please wash items first before placing in the bin
Green recycling bin – for glass, please wash items first before placing in the bin
Blue recycling bin – for any cardboard or paper
Cream – non-recycling bin – please place any plastic wrapping, polystyrene or any non-recyclable items in here. A white bag is placed in this bin and replacement bags can be found under the sink in the kitchen.
Compost bin on windowsill – please put all your food waste in this bin including eggshells & teabags. A bag is placed in the bin and replacement bags can be found under the sink in the kitchen.
Our bins are collected on Thursdays so please could you put as much rubbish out as possible by Wednesday evening or empty them when they are full please by placing the rubbish in the bins within the beige storage container on the decking area up the top of the outside steps by The Arches gates. The outside recycling bins are colour co-ordinated to match the inside coloured bins and the grey wheelie bin is for the non-recyclable waste. The bagged compost/food waste goes in the green small compost bin which is also on the decking area.